April 27

My first blog post-The original plans for my new house


I can’t wait to get are new house 🏠. I would like to tell you about this “new house 🏠” because I am excited for the new house 🏠!!! So the house 🏠 I’m living in now, It’s only half an actual house. My mom is going to get builders to add a 2nd floor.

I’m going to get my own room😄is the good thing!!!

The bad thing is that Gila also gets her own room…

Well, At least she can’t go bother me all the time!

I’m scared 😱 that I’m alone!

I’m scared because I’ve never slept on my own.

My mom is talking about getting a new house all the time but now we actually have a new house 🏠 so my entire family is talking about the new house 🏠 and my mom is always busy with the house plans. At least I can have laptop 💻. My laptop is very very important to me because I use my laptop all the time… I’m always so bored when my mom is busy with house and I get bored on Saturday, and there talking about the new house on Saturday… I am getting really MAD because I want CUDDLES WITH MAMA!!! It’s so annoyingly annoying! I have to think about the bright side though because if you don’t think of the bright side you’ll always be sad.

Now back to talking about the thing I’m supposed to be talking about which is talking about my new house/new room instead of my feelings because that is not what this theme of my blogpost… I’m going to have to talk with an Architect & I want to talk to this Architect SO badly Because I will tell her what I want my new bed room. The house 🏠 that I’m going to have with my family for my entire Childhood life I guess… The Architect is very important for the house and I actually think the Architect is Jewish! It’s so cool!

 Seriously I am just so excited because I will get it have my own clothing and I will have my own bed that is not messy so this is a very good topic for my blogpost. This blogpost is going to be long definitely so you’re probably wondering about what I am going to say next, well, I am going to say that guess what! Maayan my baby sister is going to be getting a new room! She’s only two years old and my entire family is looking forward to Maayan getting her own room! Well, that raps up my blogpost, Bye!