December 16

Bella In The Forest (Story Mountain)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Bella. Bella lived in a village. One day, Bella’s parents asked her to pick berries from the forest. There was a wooden gate around the whole town. You can only go out of this gate when you have permission. Same for when you go inside the gate. Bella had never been out of the village before. Bella slowly walked into the forest with the picnic basket in her hand. Little did she know that she was about to be in BIG TROUBLE!


 “I wonder what kind of fruits are in these woods? I’ve never picked fruit in the forest before.” Bella thought.  Bella started walking throughout the forest path to the fruit. “The forest is so peaceful today!”, Bella said. As soon as Bella reached the forest, she saw a BIG shadow. Bella got a little scared but also curious at the same time. Bella followed the shadow, till she saw a wolf! Bella ran for her life as fast as she could! She ran and ran and ran until she found a cottage.


 Bella went inside the cottage and looked around. Bella was very sleepy and wanted to fall asleep. She was so tired because she was running for a whole hour. All of a sudden, a portal appeared right next to the cottage. There was a sound. Bella was starting to get scared and she was also getting curious at the same time.

 She walked out of the cottage, and she saw her family! Bella was so happy that the village had found her at last!  Bella said, “What a crazy day! I’m so happy to see you!” Bella went into her comfy bed at home and lived happily ever after. 


The End.




Thank you so much for reading this blog post! It means So much to me when you my blog posts. Bye! Have an AMAZING day!

December 6

All About Sound

All About Sound

Hi! It’s Shayna back with another blog post. Today were going to talk about sound.


What Is Sound?

Sound is energy we can hear.

Four Properties Of Sound

here are the four properties of sound:

  1. Sound can travel.
  2. Sound can be reflected. (can bounce of of surfaces.)
  3. Sound can get absorbed. (Doesn’t be bounced off some things.)
  4. Sound can be modified (Pitch and volume)

Here is a picture of sound waves.

Here is a video of What Is Sound?


What Are Vibrations?

Vibrations are sound waves that travel through our ears.

Vibration Experiment

In our experiment we experimented vibrations.

As you can see in the experiment, We used tuning forks and we tested vibrations.


What Is Pitch?

Pitch Refers to how high or low a sound really is. A whistle makes a high pitch sound and a trombone makes a low pitch sound. Pitch is measured in Hertz. Hz for short. Hz means that a sound wave would reach your ear every second. People can hear from 20 hz up to 20 000 hz.

What Is Volume?

The definition of volume is ho loud or how quiet something is. A whisper is quiet and a scream is loud.volume is measured is decibels and db for short. A whisper is around 30 db an a scream is around  120 db. A regular voice is around 60 db if your around sounds over 90 db all the time your hearing will be damaged. If you hear something over 130 db your hearing will instantly be damaged. That is why is is super important to protect your ears. You can’t protect your ears by going to quiet places.

Human Ear

Here is a video of how our ears work:


Reflection of Learning:

What did I enjoy most about this unit and why?

I really enjoyed writing the blog post about sound, and making the model ear because I like to write, and modeling is fun in my opinion.

What would I do better next time?

I think I could have added more pictures and videos to my blog post. There is only one picture and two Videos in this blog post.

What would I like to know more about?

I would really like to do a blog post about the human body and how our body’s work.



Thank you for reading my blog post! I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day! Bye!

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