March 14

Matching fractions

Today, we matched fractions on this website that Mr. Watters sent us on Google Classroom. We had to match them up and it was pretty fun! We had two different options; Fractions and mixed numbers. I did levels 4 – 6 on each mode.

May 25

Innovation Day


Good day, people! Today I am going to tell you about my innovation day project. We were asked to build a castle with a mechanical/working drawbridge. I will also tell you about the middle ages (Medieval Times).


If there’s one thing I know about castles, they are really uncomfortable. There were a lot of kings, queens, and nobles who lived in castles. Castles provided protection. There were also safe areas to store weapons and food supplies. The first castles were just wooden forts to keep soldiers safe in enemy territory, but after they started building castles made of stone. By today’s standards, life in a castle wasn’t very nice. Castles were cold and gloomy. Castles are designed to have protection and not comfort. A lot of castles only had a few rooms. There was a great hall, a kitchen, and two or three chambers/rooms for the lord and his family. No bathrooms, just a tiny alcove that jutted out of the castle walls. The contents of the toilet emptied into the moat or a pit. Imagine how bad that would smell! Castle walls would sometimes enclose a chunk of tiny buildings. Here is a picture of a medieval castle.

brown castle



Fun Facts!

  1. Did you know that castles had their water supply within the walls? I didn’t realize it until now!
  2. Did you know that some castles had moats? Moats are trenches filled with water.
  3. Did you know that in medieval times, people would chew food for the king to eat? Gross!


The Feudal System

I have a question for you. What was the feudal system aka feudalism in the middle ages? I knew you couldn’t answer that. I’ll answer that for you. The feudal system aka feudalism is a type of social system in which landholders provide land to people in exchange for their loyalty and service.

Epic World History: European Feudalism




How Does The Feudal System Work?

The feudal system was the medieval model of government predating the birth of the modern nation-state. It was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries.



Lords And Serfs

Lords and serfs are basically opposites. A lord gets a lot of respect while serfs are on the streets. The lords are at the top of the feudal system and the serfs are at the bottom. Lords can sit back and relax while the serfs have to work really hard for money and dinner on their plates.


Planning booklet

We needed to plan for how to make the working drawbridge, so Ms. M gave us planning booklets so we could learn about pulleys and gears and plan how to make our drawbridge. There were different sections in the booklet. Pulleys, gears, drawbridge planning, castle designing, and a checklist for our blog post. Here are some pictures from my booklet.



What Are Pulleys?

Pulleys are wheels that carry a flexible rope, cord, cable, chain, or belt on their rim. Pulleys are used singly or in combination to transmit energy and motion. There are two different types of pulleys. Fixed pulleys and movable pulleys. If there are two or more pulleys, it will become a pulley system. The more pulleys you put in a pulley system, the less weight you carry.



What Are Gears?

gears are wheels and axles that have teeth along their wheel. They are primarily used in combination with one another and change the direction of forces. The size of the gear determines the speed at which it rotates. Gears are mainly used to increase the force or speed of a machine.

black and gold round metal

This is a picture of a gear system.


How Do Pulleys And Gears Work?

Pulleys are made by looping a rope over one or more wheels. They are mostly used to lift heavy objects or weights. pulling down on one end of the rope creates an upward pull at the other end. Looping the rope over more wheels increases the upward force.

Gears are wheels with teeth that slot together. When one gear is turned, the other one turns as well. If the gears are of different sizes, they can increase the power of a turning force. The smaller wheel turns more quickly but with less force, while the bigger one turns more slowly with more force.



Hypothesis For Innovation Day

We were asked to make a castle with a working drawbridge from the middle ages/medieval times. I thought that I would use a gear and it would be connected to the castle. I thought the gear would be connected to a pole/skewer and a rope connected to the pole/skewer. I would use the rope and attach it to the drawbridge, but my group and I had to use two gears on each side and attach a piece of cardboard to each side so we would be able to keep the gear and pulley system steady.




Here is a video of me, Livia, and Nikki’s procedure:


Final Results:

Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it to Innovation Day, but I heard it turned out to be absolutely fabulous!

Self Assessment:

WWW (What Went Well?)

In my opinion, the pulley and gear systems in the castle were impressive.

What Could I Have Done To Make It Better?

I feel that the interior and exterior could have been improved.



Thank you for reading my blog post! Bye!

December 16

Bella In The Forest (Story Mountain)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Bella. Bella lived in a village. One day, Bella’s parents asked her to pick berries from the forest. There was a wooden gate around the whole town. You can only go out of this gate when you have permission. Same for when you go inside the gate. Bella had never been out of the village before. Bella slowly walked into the forest with the picnic basket in her hand. Little did she know that she was about to be in BIG TROUBLE!


 “I wonder what kind of fruits are in these woods? I’ve never picked fruit in the forest before.” Bella thought.  Bella started walking throughout the forest path to the fruit. “The forest is so peaceful today!”, Bella said. As soon as Bella reached the forest, she saw a BIG shadow. Bella got a little scared but also curious at the same time. Bella followed the shadow, till she saw a wolf! Bella ran for her life as fast as she could! She ran and ran and ran until she found a cottage.


 Bella went inside the cottage and looked around. Bella was very sleepy and wanted to fall asleep. She was so tired because she was running for a whole hour. All of a sudden, a portal appeared right next to the cottage. There was a sound. Bella was starting to get scared and she was also getting curious at the same time.

 She walked out of the cottage, and she saw her family! Bella was so happy that the village had found her at last!  Bella said, “What a crazy day! I’m so happy to see you!” Bella went into her comfy bed at home and lived happily ever after. 


The End.




Thank you so much for reading this blog post! It means So much to me when you my blog posts. Bye! Have an AMAZING day!

May 18



Everyone is good for being themselves and kids like to leave other kids out and I think that is a bad thing…. Everyone should include people. 

Here are some examples of inclusion.

  1. The park
  2. Board games
  3. Soccer games
  4. Basketball games
  5. Races
  6. The computer
  7. Toys

Those are some examples of inclusion.

April 27

My first blog post-The original plans for my new house


I can’t wait to get are new house 🏠. I would like to tell you about this “new house 🏠” because I am excited for the new house 🏠!!! So the house 🏠 I’m living in now, It’s only half an actual house. My mom is going to get builders to add a 2nd floor.

I’m going to get my own room😄is the good thing!!!

The bad thing is that Gila also gets her own room…

Well, At least she can’t go bother me all the time!

I’m scared 😱 that I’m alone!

I’m scared because I’ve never slept on my own.

My mom is talking about getting a new house all the time but now we actually have a new house 🏠 so my entire family is talking about the new house 🏠 and my mom is always busy with the house plans. At least I can have laptop 💻. My laptop is very very important to me because I use my laptop all the time… I’m always so bored when my mom is busy with house and I get bored on Saturday, and there talking about the new house on Saturday… I am getting really MAD because I want CUDDLES WITH MAMA!!! It’s so annoyingly annoying! I have to think about the bright side though because if you don’t think of the bright side you’ll always be sad.

Now back to talking about the thing I’m supposed to be talking about which is talking about my new house/new room instead of my feelings because that is not what this theme of my blogpost… I’m going to have to talk with an Architect & I want to talk to this Architect SO badly Because I will tell her what I want my new bed room. The house 🏠 that I’m going to have with my family for my entire Childhood life I guess… The Architect is very important for the house and I actually think the Architect is Jewish! It’s so cool!

 Seriously I am just so excited because I will get it have my own clothing and I will have my own bed that is not messy so this is a very good topic for my blogpost. This blogpost is going to be long definitely so you’re probably wondering about what I am going to say next, well, I am going to say that guess what! Maayan my baby sister is going to be getting a new room! She’s only two years old and my entire family is looking forward to Maayan getting her own room! Well, that raps up my blogpost, Bye!